
Jan 2015

Temporary Residence Permit


from Jan 25th to March 16th, in Unicorn Centre for Art, Caochangdi, Beijing


“ Temporaryresidence permit ”
—– To walk along a road

The first phrase people often remember while learning French is: “D’ou` viens-tu?” (“Where areyou from?”). Where we live is often one of the first questions asked in ourinteractions with others. I’d like to respond: “We all live will fully in one very small corner of the world.”

“Drifting” seems like an idealistic word, butif so, what kind of ideals has this society provided? Pragmatism and seem likeequally idealistic words. What defines success for a drifter? Is it defined ineconomic terms or spiritual ones? Drifting is the quintessential movement through space and time.

In “Proust andSigns”, Gilles Deleuze describes the concept of space in terms of perspective;that is, traditional methods of perceiving space depend both on the physicalposition and motion of the one perceiving. On the other hand, the claim is also made that differences in motion result not from temporal or physical differences, but “virtual” ones. It’s important to note that “virtual” in thiscontext does not mean the same thing as it does in the phrase “virtualreality.” Rather, this philosophical idea of virtuality describes that which is“real without being actual, ideal without being abstract.” Thus is the relationship of the ideality of the concept of “drifting” with reality.

And so there are these young,drifting artists with an average age of about thirty who, through their works,express their sentiments towards the world that they experience, in terms bothideal and real. Theseartists, through ordinary materials, touch on this very universal question: whydo we wander? why do we choose to live elsewhere? What tempts us to thismovement, through both space and time? This group of artists conveys to us myriaddifferent perspectives and ways of thinking about the world, stemming fromtheir varied backgrounds. Not only is this the first exhibition to be shown atthe Unicorn Centre for Art, it’s also the gathering of a group young artistsseeking to express the idea of “drifting.” Our hope is that dialogueon this theme will develop and percolate. We propose that the present resonates with the past, therefore giving meaning to the future.

By: Manman CHENG
01/2015 Beijing



关于策展主题的起由,策展人程漫漫有一篇题为“行走在路上”的表述,她说学习法语时,我最先记住的一句话是: D‘où venez-vous(您来自哪里)?因为生活在别处,“哪里的”常常成为我和别人沟通的第一个问题。对于暂住的概念,她认为:我们只是用心生活在世界上一个小小的角落。





文/伍晓晴 Xiaoqing WU










Nov 2014

It is said that, in the forest…


La Lune en Parachute présente

On dit que . . . dans la Forêt

Romain Langlois / Wang Lingjie & Jingfang Hao

Vernissage Vendredi 14 novembre 2014 – 19H

En présence des Artistes

Du 15 novembre au 20 décembre 2014
Mercredi – Samedi : 13H-18H
Dimanche : 15H-19H

Visite commentée / Adhérents
Le dimanche 7 décembre 2014 à 16H nous donnons rendez-vous à nos adhérents pour une visite commentée de l’exposition.

La Lune en Parachute bénéficie du soutien de la Ville d’Epinal, du conseil général des Vosges, de la DRAC Lorraine ainsi que de Transdev Vosges.

BEY Sophie
46 B Rue Saint-Michel
88000 Epinal

Sep 2014

The Seven Days


This September, M art center is embracing its 7th anniversary. Looking back, the 7 years as if it were 7 days.

On September 13th 2014, The Seven Days will be presented in M Art Center.

Employing its narrative line from the Genesis, the gallery becomes a micro-world. Works starts from light of day one to rainbow of day seven from the 12 artists. The gallery is enlightened to trace back to the original creation and to represent it in the context of contemporary art.The 7th day marks not the end but a new journey we will embark on with every one of you.







Jun 2014

Jiang Han Star Project: Climate


How will this art project, which is themed around climate and the associated changes, inspire people? On what will it cause them to reflect? Relying on their experiences with the weather in Wuhan, the young artists will do more than simply reproduce “weather;” they will actively involve themselves in it and create simulations within the confines of the museum. This exhibition is one that encourages audience participation and interaction with the works on display.

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(Trainee reporter Zheng Ruke correspondent Xia) ‘weather, can also become a kind of art.’ Yesterday, in the School of Philosophy, Wuhan University lecture hall, curator 唐克扬 for the students who brought the theme of ‘Climate: an art plan’ speech.

唐克扬 is an associate professor of Renmin University of China School of Art, Architecture School of Design at Harvard University, Dr. design profession, he is 2010 Venice Architecture Biennale curator of China Pavilion, Academic Director of the National Gallery of the new building project, he also will Museum of Fine Arts in Wuhan in June launched a ‘2014 Jianghan Stars Program – climate’ as curator.

‘Weather, some very adorable icon, is actually a visual art.’ Tangke Yang first familiar with the daily weather forecast, for example, to explain the possibility of climate as an art theme. Exhibition, introducing climate as Art theme, the artist is to make the public attention around things, concerned about their living space, open understanding of the climate( ‘we take for granted, things that are familiar, many are complex, there is the weight.’

唐克扬 that want to do this exhibition in Wuhan, from the square to watch the film adaptation of the novel on the plane >> << Oath, film, Wuhan spicy character, dock breath ‘home in the Yangtze River,’ the heavy, ‘Climate change is inextricably linked.’
‘Wuhan is a climate-changing city,’ Tangke Yang said that such a city, both have ‘a feather,’ the story of the marketplace, we also have a drama. ‘Wuhan mood fluctuations obviously, there is a contradiction complicated. ‘

‘The topic of climate as an art, is a very interesting thing.’ In the afternoon, a writer and Tangke Yang Fang Fang climate topics, expand the right to talk about(Favorites News Side side view, side soil support people, the climate is creating one of the important cultural environment One of the factors. ‘climate like literature, to each person’s experience is different, but always have something to say.’

Wuhan Art Museum Deputy Director Liu introduced Tangke Yang Museum of Fine Arts in Wuhan large lecture classes into one college series of activities, then also went into the Hubei Academy of Fine Arts activities, Huazhong University of Science and Universities.

May 2014

Buttercup / Bouton d’Or


Un jour de début de printemps, je marchais dans la rue, revenant de mes courses au supermarché LIDL. Il faisait beau. Mais les affaires que je portais étaient très lourdes, il faisait trop chaud pour moi. Je ne m’étais pas rendu compte que le printemps venait d’arriver (ou était déjà là). Il y avait beaucoup de petits pétales sur le bas-côté de la route. Soudain, l’un d’eux se mit à voler vers moi, en tournoyant. Tu vois, il n’y avait pas de vent ce jour là et je ne comprenais pas pourquoi ce pétale volait ainsi vers moi ; ce devait être quelque force mystérieuse. Je fus très émue. Quelque chose me chatouilla le coeur.

Jingfang Hao

 – – – – – -

« Exister c’est différer, la différence, à vrai dire, est en un sens le côté substantiel des choses, ce qu’elles ont à la fois de plus propre et de plus commun. »

Gabriel de Tarde, « Monadologie et sociologie »

 Franchir les continents, traverser les champs d’action… être différent n’est pas une expérience étrange pour Lingjie Wang et Jingfang Hao. Ils cherchent ainsi  à la fois comment comprendre les êtres différents et se faire comprendre auprès d’eux.

Par leur démarche artistique, ils questionnent la perception ordinaire des objets du quotidien, la pensée mise en expérience,  est comme d’incessants allers retours entre poésie et habitude.

Chacune de leurs œuvres repose sur un principe dialogique entre une conception cartésienne et mathématique – héritée de leur formation d’ingénieurs et d’un intérêt pour l’art conceptuel occidental – une vision sensuelle et poétique du monde – liée à leur culture chinoise et à leur connaissance de la matière qui compose les objets qui les entourent.

May 2014



Alice inspire les artistes, ou est-ce que ce sont les artistes qui inspirent Alice ?

Avec « Des pays des merveilles », Le Mètre Carré propose un ensemble de vidéos d’animation (ou presque). Cette exposition, riche et variée, qui mêle science, sensualité, poésie et enfance, ne dure qu’un seul jour. Les petits et les grands pourront découvrir, dans ce lieu atypique : une église désacralisée en campagne, des univers plus lumineux les uns que les autres.

Les dessins animés de Daniela Krajcova et de Polonca Peterca évoquent avec légèreté, la vie et les ponts qui peuvent être faits entre réalité et imaginaire. Les visiteurs pourront voyager avec elles. S’attendrir avec l’ami de See-Lyung Moon. Mais aussi rêver et s’interroger devant les vidéos de Leïla Payet et Lingjie Wang.

Enfin, pour que chacun puisse réaliser ses rêves, nous offrirons aux enfants la possibilité de créer de courtes animations qui seront ensuite diffusées sur internet.

En partenariat avec l’association Mum’s and Co.

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